Songs of Life LLC
Offering a core emotional healing process that consistently produces powerful, life changing results

Hello, and welcome to the Songs of Life LLC website.  My name is Doug Grand.  I’m a practitioner that works with people that are struggling with emotionally based issues and problems that want more than what the conventional therapeutic model offers.  My approach is grounded in the use of an old, earth-based type of traditional song—called the songs of Life—which helps my clients heal at the deepest part of their emotional systems.  This healing process is then combined with a focused, structured, practical process that my clients progressively learn to take a consequential and empowering role within.  For over 20 years, I’ve used this approach to consistently help people from all over the country consistently bring significant and lasting change to their lives.

When you boil it down, what makes my work unique is the depth and scope to which I can help my clients heal emotionally.  Instead of offering palliative ways of coping with, working around, or medicating your issues and problems, my approach is focused on being able to isolate and successfully address the core drivers of your struggles.  This allows you to heal at deep enough levels to where your issues and problems are able to, at a minimum, tangibly improve.  For those that have been willing to put in the time and work, I have been able to help many fully resolve deep seated, decades long struggles with debilitated situations such as panic attacks, depression, compulsive disorders, the repercussions that come with sexual violation, as well as other emotionally based struggles.

This work demands a lot from my clients, and gives a lot in return.  Because of the demanding nature of my approach, the work I share isn’t for everybody.  This work demands you make your struggles a priority and that you assume responsibility for your own emotional state instead of looking for something or someone else to take care of it for you.  In terms of fitting with my approach, the real question is grounded in how hungry you are to find a practitioner that’s capable of helping you take a mapped-out journey that gives you the ability to STRUGGLE skillfully and successfully THROUGH your issues and problems at the depth necessary to bring fundamental change to them.  It’s those that are looking for this rare opportunity that fit with what I offer.


‘A lot of therapists can help you understand your problems. But, what sets Doug apart is that he can actually help you change your life and how you feel. Before working with Doug, I was suffering from depression, ADD, and severe mood swings. I was on the verge of dropping out of school and was locked in a downward spiral. Doug helped me turn all that around. I successfully finished school, the demon of depression is a distant memory, and I feel stable and strong. And, when I do encounter challenges in my life or difficult emotions, my work with Doug has given me the tools and confidence to be able to handle them.’—MK
‘Previous to my work with Doug, part of me deep down inside always felt terrible-insecure, unlovable, incapable of love, and doomed to be alone. This was a big part of my emotional baseline, and it influenced my behavior and relationships, maintaining a swirl of drama around me and a pit of terror within me. Through my work, I awakened to the important truth that I'm not actually bad and worthless, a part of me has always just felt this way. To realize such a truth at such a core level demanded I heal to the point where I could experience more than just the terrible feelings, and this has been life changing. I've slowly established a more steady, less medicated baseline where I strive to maintain balance and well-being instead of falling into emotional pendulum swings, and life is profoundly more peaceful and beautiful now due to this shift.’— Anonymous