My Fee and Manuals

My Fee

I offer sessions on Thursday-Sunday, at 7 am, 9:30 am, 12 noon, and 2:30 pm PST.  Sessions last about 2 hours, and are done every 2 weeks.  I charge by the minute, so there’s a small variance in what each session will cost.  You can pay by check or money order.  I have a four-tiered fee structure based on my client’s annual household income. 

NEW CLIENT SPECIAL: For a limited time, new clients will be charged $50 a session ($25 an hour) for the first 4 sessions (the first 2 months of the work) before my normal fee is then applied.  This will give you the chance to experience me and my approach without much of a financial barrier so you can then make a choice on whether to continue with the work from a more informed position.

Tier 1: Household incomes that earn less than $40K/year- Fee: $70/hour.

Expect a cost of $140-$145 per session.

Tier 2: Household incomes that earn between $40K and $80K/year.  Fee: $85/hour.

Expect a cost of $170-$175 per session.

Tier 3: Household incomes that earn more than $80-$250K/year.  Fee: $92.50/hour.

Expect a cost of $185-$190 per session.

Tier 4: Household incomes that earn more than $250K/year.  Fee: $100/hour.

Expect a cost of $200-$205 per session.

The Manuals

I have written 3 client manuals that help my clients learn how to navigate the 3 phased core level healing process they will go through.  These manuals are dense, practical, and hands-on.  They’re the emotional equivalent to a manual for your car or truck that you’d use to do some hands-on work with it.  Because these manuals are only relevant for someone who is going through a core level healing process, they’re self-published.  Anyone who is struggling emotionally could benefit from studying at least some of the Phase I Manual, but the other two are more advanced, which means they are probably only relevant for my clients.  You can buy the manuals individually, or together as a single unit.  I suggest new clients start with the Phase I Manual, and you can add in the other two when they’re needed.  Please contact me to order them.

Phase I Manual: Waking up and struggling into healthy relationship

This is the manual that gets my clients started.  It has two chapters on energetic mechanics that allows you to begin to understand how your emotional system is structured, functions, and presents itself as it heals.  This will help you as you begin to learn how to practice emotional release work.   Your release work will start with a chapter each on anger and sadness release work.  There is then two chapters introducing your Phase I on-the-ground work, and a final chapter that addresses your Phase I connection work.

250 Pages

Cost: $65

Phase II Manual: Riding the lightning and Proving yourself to yourself

When you create enough success with the Phase I healing process, you’ll organically start opening to Phase II, which revolves around core level fear release work.  This manual has a chapter on the energetic mechanics of navigating the fear release work progression, a fear release work chapter, and a chapter addressing your Phase II connection work.  It then finishes with three chapters dedicated to building 4-month blocks for your on-the-ground work so you can bring more structure and focus to it.

175 Pages

Cost: $40

Phase III Manual: Navigating the awful as you seek to resolve your emotionally based problems

When you create enough success with the Phase II healing process, you’ll organically start opening to Phase III.  This is signaled by the appearance of core level worthlessness, shame, and defeat that’s ready to be evacuated.  This manual has a chapter on the energetic mechanics of navigating the awful, emotional release work chapters on Phase III fear release work, as well as chapters on what’s known as earth and ether sphere release work.  There’s a chapter on your Phase III connection work, and two final chapters that explains how to use 4-month blocks in your on-the-ground work to build towards the completion of your work.

150 Pages

Cost: $40

All 3 Manuals

575 Pages

Cost: $130